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Welcome to KCDC

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The Kids' Community Dental Clinic in Burbank, CA is dedicated to improving the oral health of children from low-income families with quality procedures, preventative treatments, and oral health education. Whether you are in need of low-cost dental services for a child age 0-18, or you would like to help our cause, please browse our site for more information.                       

Visit Us

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IN-CLINIC Services


Check-ups ~ Cleanings ~ X-Rays ~ Fluoride ~ Sealants ~ Fillings ~ Brushing & Flossing Instruction ~ Oral Health Education

Other treatments as needed



Parents, if you see us early - even before baby is born -

we will teach you how to keep your baby cavity-free -

at no cost to you!  All babies age 0 - 5 years are welcome!

Spanish-speaking available



We visit many schools in Southern California to offer a variety of free services to help children have healthy teeth.  Limited visual examinations, fluoride treatments, toothbrushes, brushing and flossing instruction and demonstrations are given at participating schools. This program's intent is to provide parents with a general sense of their child's dental health, information where they can go for affordable dental treatments, and to reinforce daily brushing and flossing. If you receive information from your child's school that the Kids' Community Dental Clinic will be visiting, please be sure to sign the permission form so that we may evaluate your child and give them a free fluoride treatment to help prevent tooth decay.

FREE Community Events


In addition to schools, KCDC often participates in free programs and health fairs where families can receive free oral health evaluations, fluoride treatments, dental sealants to prevent future cavities, free toothbrushes, preventive education, and fun games and prizes to help get kids to think about good oral health! KCDC always emphasizes follow-up visits for diagnosed problems or preventive treatments.  See our News & Events page to find out which community we will visit next!

FREE February


Each year we partner with Give Kids A Smile!® and the American Dental Association to provide free screenings and treatments throughout National Children's Dental Health Month!

EDUCATION & Prevention


We can send a representative to your school or community organization to educate both parents and children about proper oral health and the impact that neglect can have on a child's overall health and well-being. We love to reach out in our community!

Also check out our Education & Prevention page here

TRAINING & Mentoring


The Kids' Community Dental Clinic is proud to build relationships with dental and pre-dental students, providing them an opportunity to study and gain experience in a pediatric dental environment.  Even young volunteers are encouraged to join us at health fairs or come in and observe to determine whether they may be interested in a dental career.  Our hope is that they will be inspired to pursue a career in the dental field and return to serve as a professional volunteer at KCDC!

The first step is to call KCDC at (818) 841-8010 to schedule an appointment for the child and a parent or guardian. We look forward to meeting you, but we are unable to accept walk-ins. Together we will determine whether your family will qualify for our low-cost dental services. Please download and fill out the patient's health history form and informed consent form and bring it with you to your appointment.  You are generally qualified to use the clinic's services if your family meets the requirements for the school free lunch program or if you qualify for Denti-Cal.
If your child is having a dental emergency or is in extreme pain, please do not hesitate to contact us at (818) 841-8010.

At this time, KCDC does not bill insurance. The nominal fee must be paid at the time of the appointment. You do not need to live in Burbank. If your child cannot make a scheduled appointment, please call the clinic at least 2 days in advance to reschedule so the dentist can use the appointment time for another child. It is important to keep your appointment unless you have an emergency. 

Our Services
Become a Patient

Please DONATE - Friends like YOU support our MISSION

The Rick Marias Memorial Fund

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The Rick Marias Memorial Fund

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In August of 2017 KCDC mourned the passing of our leader, Dr. Rick Marias. Dr. Marias was a founding member of the Kids' Community Dental Clinic, as well as the President of our Board of Directors and a tireless professional volunteer.  He has been sorely missed by our staff, our patients, and the thousands of people he touched through his lifelong work and philanthropic efforts.  Dr. Marias, while always grateful for the funding we have received from numerous grants and foundations, was well aware that these funds were dedicated solely to specific dental needs and supplies. He was always concerned about raising enough money, as he put it, "to keep the lights on."  We are pleased to announce the formation of The Richard Marias Memorial Fund, which will be dedicated to specifically targeting our administrative and operational needs.


If you would like to make a donation in his honor, please click the button below for a secure PayPal transaction.  We thank you for your kindness.  

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There are many rewarding ways you can help as a volunteer!  

Volunteer professionals include dentists, specialty dentists, registered dental assistants, and dental hygienists.


Whether you can donate a few hours a month or several days a week, kids from all over Southern California will benefit from your time and expertise.  Please call us at (818) 841-8010. A background check is required.


Other volunteer jobs include office and administrative work, helping out at health fairs and school screenings, maintaining our facility, fundraising, marketing and more.  If you have a special skill and would like to share with us, please call us at (818) 841-8010 to see how you can contribute!

GOODS also welcome! Hover here for needed items and Backpack Day, Santa Day and Prize Box wish lists! 
Kids' Dental Clinic donations
GOODS also welcome! Hover here for needed items and Backpack Day, Santa Day and Prize Box wish lists! 

Monetary donations fuel our efforts and instantly turn you into a tooth fairy! 


Click below to donate safely and securely through PayPal and help kids to smile and learn without the pain of tooth decay!


Check our News & Events tab for our latest fundraisers - sponsorships are available for most of our events.


We are always in need of toothbrushes, toothpaste, toys and prizes for our kid rewards, snacks for our volunteers, the list goes on and on!








Call (818) 841-8010 for assistance and    THANK YOU!!!

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About Us

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Our Mission 

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The Kids' Community Dental Clinic

mission is to improve the oral health of children from low income families with quality procedures, preventative treat-ments, and oral health education. 


Dental disease among children is pre-ventable, yet it persists throughout the country in epidemic proportions. In order to address the progressive nature of dental disease, it is critical to build an oral health services delivery system for children that emphasizes early inter-vention and prevention, overcomes the financial, educational, cultural, geographic and psycho-social barriers to ser-vices, provides outreach, counseling, and education in a variety of settings, and assures access to early and continuous dental diagnostic, preventive and treat-ment services. We are dedicated to creating this system, and removing barriers to services through outreach, counseling and education to all patients.​

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Our History 

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The Kids' Community Dental Clinic was created to fill a crucial need and gap in oral health care services for children of low income working families.  A children's dental clinic existed in Burbank for almost 35 years through the generosity of the Sisters of Providence, St. Joseph Medical Center. The hospital dental clinic closed in 1997, resulting in many working parents having a difficult time finding convenient and low cost dental care for their children.

In 2002, after much planning and with strong local support, we opened our doors to every child in need. We started with the name Kids' Community Clinic of Burbank and in 2004 we changed it to Kids' Community Dental Clinic to em-phasize our focus on oral healthcare prevention and treatment, and to welcome children who live outside of the Burbank area.

Our STAFF and Volunteers

KCDC Receives Proclamation from City of Burbank

Pictured L to R: Luis Centeno (Board Member), Clesther Ramos, DDS, ), George Saikali (Board Vice President), Nikki Perez, City of Burbank Mayor

The City of Burbank proclaimed February as NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH, thanked the dedicated volunteers at KCDC, and encouraged the citizens of Burbank to brush and floss daily, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, and take their children to the dentist on a regular basis to prevent dental disease.  We sincerely appreciate the recognition!

Annual Report

About Us

Meet Our TEAM

Ana Gomez
Dental Programs Manager
Dale Morimizu Gorman
Executive Director

Board of


President & Treasurer
Thomas Engman, CPA

KKAJ Certified Public Accountants



Rene Benavides  
The Walt Disney Company



Luis Centeno

My Merchant Expert, Inc.


George Saikali​

Glendale YMCA


Malena Otero

Partnership to Uplift Communities


Alejandra Gillette-Teran



Timothy Knox, DDS
Private Practice      


Dan Sanchez
Dilbeck Realty


Ariga Abrahamian, DDS
Nareh Abrahamian, DDS
Jeffrey Asano, DDS
John Asano, DDS

Ivy Avanessian Fua, DDS
Megan Doudian, DDS
Julia Endrizzi, DDS
Cheryl Estiva, DDS
Samuel Kim, DDS
Timothy Knox, DDS

David Lee, DDS
Dora Lee, DDS
Kira Lee, DDS
Raymond Lee, DDS
Clarence Lin, DDS
George Liu, DDS
Oraiona Lowe, DDS

Charles Maseredjian, DDS
Kristin Moriguchi, DDS
Seran Ng, DDS

Sia Novshadian, DDS

Geoffrey Okada, DDS
Punita Oswal, DDS
Evangelos Rossopoulos, DDS
J. Luis Ruiz, DDS

Banihashemi Shahriyar, DDS
June Siron, DDS
Astrid Soegaard, DMD
Sanah Sohrab, DDS
Robert Sue, DDS
Anna Tam, DDS
Vivian Tom, DDS

Marc Waki, DDS

Jennifer Lu Wang, DDS
Melissa  Shimizu Weaver, DDS
Manjiri Vartak, DDS
Merilynn Yamada, DDS

Volunteer/ Hygienists

Staci Asano RDH BS
Natalie Bui, RDH
Emily Bys, RDH
Phyllis Carlisle, RDH
Tamara Glover, RDH

Amber Gomez, RDH BS

Wendy Gutierrez, RDH
Francesca Hoffman, RDH

Romela Keshishian, RDH
Jacob Maseredjian, RDH

Sally Sahlee Peyton, RDH BS
Lilian Regalado, RDH

Arpa Shabandary, RDH BS
Janett Unda-Alvarez, RDHEF
Melissa Valenzuela, RDH
Nouchee Vang RDH

Dental Hygiene Partners

Pasadena City College Dental Hygiene Program 
West Los Angeles College Dental Hygiene Program 
San Fernando Valley Dental Hygienist Society

Administrative Support

Beverly Amano, Grant Writer

Linda Grovier, Data/Project Analyst

Reich Grovier
Sandra Yee

NAF Medical Academy

Pre-Dental Students

Guadalupe Alcantar*

Sidnie Dabbadie 

Paola Guzman*

Margarita Hovsepyan

Christine Lee

Maryanne Nersesyan*

Caitlin Rivera

John Stefan

Devin Tom

Kelson Tran

Carlos Villareal *

Arman Zograbyan


* Staff

Other Volunteers

Evilia Estrada

Mothers & Daughters of National 

Charity League, Inc., Burbank Chapter

Meet Our Team


Friends & Family
In Loving Memory of Dr. Rick Marias

Special Thanks to 
Nickelodeon Studios


Amano Family & Gorman Family
In Loving Memory of Dr. Stacy Amano

Gary    Miller &
Judith Seeds Miller

Friends from New Life


Strategic HR logo Otero_edited.png
George & Mary Saikali
Kathleen McDowell
Alejandra Gillette-Teran &
Manu Narayan

(818) 842-2588

Auto • Home • Life • Business • Health • 401K/IRA


Special Thanks to 
King's Hawaiian Rolls

News and Events

KCDC receives proclamation from City of Burbank
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The Burbank City Council awarded a proclamation on Feb. 13th, 2024, in honor of National Children's Oral Health Month, highlighting the excellent work and dedication of the Kids' Community Dental Clinic!

Pictured Left to Right: Luis Centeno, KCDC Board Member; Guadalupe Alcantar, KCDC staff; Burbank Mayor Nick Schultz; Amber Gomez, RDH, KCDC staff; Dale Gorman, KCDC Executive Director, Malena Otero, KCDC Board Member

KCDC team provides education, information & goodies at MEND Halloween event!

Univision 34 Visits KCDC!

Kathy Ireland on the Importance of Oral Health

Univision 34 Visits KCDC!

Univision 34 Visits KCDC!

Thanking Our AAPD Donors

Contact Us


Our Address

400 W. Elmwood Avenue

Burbank, CA 91506

Phone: (818) 841-8010

Please leave a message if we are busy helping others.

Fax: (818) 841-8006

Email: or fill out form below

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Additional hours and Saturdays by appointment, based on dentists' availability.  Please call for an appointment or to find out if you qualify for services.

**Patient Courtesy**

We discourage patients who do not show for their appointment, come late or cancel their appointment at the last minute. Please mark appointments on your calendar and call 2 days in advance if you must reschedule.  A missed appointment means another child loses an opportunity to take care of their oral health!

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